This week's roundup comes on the back of some pretty exciting facts and figures for 'Retire at 40'. The main one is that I passed 100 subscribers. This actually happened to be one of my goals when I started this blog and I wanted to achieve it in less than 3 months - I'll be three months on Thursday, so that's good.
Anyway, on to the roundup.
The Tuesday PF Roundup - #2
KrystalAtWork wrote about No More Buying Lunch.
This is a classic article and one which a lot of PF bloggers have in their arsenal. Spending all that money on on lunch and not brown bagging it adds up to a fair amount each year, not because lunch is so expensive but because there are so many opportunities to spend money - 5 days a week in fact (usually). This also means there is plenty of opportunity to save money too.
Single Guy Money spoke about how he Helped a Friend Organise her Finances.
It's almost sad to say but I think many of us actually like doing this and in all honesty it's not about the numbers. I have had many chats with my friends over the past few months and the single overriding thing I take from any conversation I have with people wanting to sort out their finances is this:
Great, that'll be another person who I can hang out with when we all retire early!
Yes, it's about being able to help someone else and talk about a subject close to my heart but in all honesty it's about them being able to also do the same as I am. There will be lots of time to hang out and go biking in a few years time.
Pat wrote at SmartPassiveIncome about The One Thing You Must Know About Passive Income, or Else!.
Sometimes you think you're mostly there with passive income but many times you still have to do something. He's right in that, you just must not have to do anything at all. I spoke about this in a previous post about Passive Income where I said that you must take you out of any equation for making money, that way, the sky is the limit.
Retired Syd spoke about not having any more performance reviews.
This definitely seems like a good thing, not having to go through those stale and boring reviews each and every year. In fact, the reason why I like them most is not to get a pay-rise (though that helps) but to hear and make sure I am doing what is expected of me.
Trent at The Simple Dollar talked about The Best Moment of your Day.
I have always found that writing a journal (a private one, not a web-based one) helps sort through your thoughts for the day. I also found that it could sometimes take a fair amount of time (each day becoming longer and more detailed). Instead, just write about the best moment of your day - that way you also have less to read when you pick it up in a few years!
Links In
I managed a few mentions this week, including a high profile link on Smart Spending:
and I was also featured on some carnivals:
Thanks to everyone for the links and for keeping on reading.
Any other posts you think should have been highlighted from this past week? This is your chance to highlight a post that you are proud of.
Thanks for the mention Andrew. I would love to be able to retire at 40 and play golf all day!
Yeah me too but probably not all day. There are plenty of other things I'd want to do too. Maybe just the afternoons :-)
Hey thanks for the link and congratulations on reaching your goal of 100 subscribers in only 3 months! That is amazing to me.
Maybe you'll write a post soon to tell the rest of us how to do that!
@Retired Syd:
As always, it's a combination of hard work and a bit of luck here and there. I won't write a huge amount here but maybe in the future when I really do have quite a few subscribers.
However, one of the main reasons I think I've done well so far is due to commenting on other blogs. It's a great way to show your face, and remember, don't just put a short 'hello' but actually write something which adds to the post - for no other reason than you owe it to the other blogger for writing something you'd want to comment on in the first place :-)
Hi and congrats on your subscribers...very good in such a short time.
I'm aiming to retire from the workforce in 2011 and find your blog very inspirational.
Laura :)
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